Your Throne Wiki

Tupiz Seira is a supporting character of Your Throne. She is the youngest daughter of the House of Seira.


Tupiz has flowing pink hair and large hot-pink eyes and a small, petite stature along with a willowy frame.

As a member of the aristocratic class, she wears lavish gowns and fine accessories.


As the youngest daughter of the House of Seira, Tupiz reflects the common characteristics of ambitious aristocrats. Blinded with power, she attempts to latch onto those who can benefit her within the noble class. She is devious and manipulative, often taking advantage of those with weaker dispositions as outlets for her anger.

As a young adult, she is incapable of accurately analyzing people's personalities and fails to consider the consequences of her actions. She believes in using harassment as a form of forging alliances and is easily frustrated when her efforts does not produce the desired results.


Tupiz grew up blinded by power. As Medea Solon was engaged to the Crown Prince Eros Orna Vasilios, Tupiz attempted to ally herself with the Solon family by befriending her, but her fruitless efforts were unfortunately rebuffed by Medea, so Tupiz amused herself by severely harassing Psyche Callista.

After her attempt to insult "Medea" at Eros' birthday banquet, Tupiz was ostracized from society. With nothing left to lose, Tupiz continued to bad mouth Medea in an attempt to regain her standing, only to be humiliated.[1] As a result of this, the House of Seira kicked her out of the family, leaving Tupiz to be a servant volunteering at the Temple of Vasilios.[2]


Psyche Callista[]

Several years before the current timeline, Tupiz took advantage of Psyche's passive, submissive nature to harass her. Once, she splashed cold tea on Psyche's head, jealous of her close friendship with Medea Solon. After Medea lost the Crown Princess contest to Psyche, Tupiz regretted antagonizing the Callistas and she attempted to harass Medea at the imperial banquet to repent for her past indiscretions, unaware that Psyche and Medea switched bodies. Psyche impersonated Medea's ruthless persona and threatened Tupiz for her rude behavior.[3]

Medea Solon[]

Prior to the current timeline, Tupiz wished to gain Medea's favor as she was engaged to the Crown Prince Eros Orna Vasilios. When Medea rebuffed her advances, Tupiz grew bitter and vented her anger out on Psyche Callista, but she later regretted her actions when Psyche was named the future Crown Princess. As an attempt to ally herself with the Callistas, she harassed "Medea" at the birthday banquet, unaware that Psyche and Medea switched bodies.[3]

Helio Niccolo[]

Helio encountered Tupiz at the imperial banquet when he was searching for Psyche Callista's whereabouts. After failing to properly harass Psyche, whom she believed was Medea Solon, Tupiz attempted to utilize Helio's close friendship with Medea to win back the good graces of the Solon family, but her transparent efforts were unsuccessful as Helio coldly brushed her aside.[4]


  • Her full name is revealed in Episode 162, although the English translation changed the order to “Seira Tupiz”. This was corrected in later episodes.

List of Appearances[]



  1. Episode 145
  2. Episode 157
  3. 3.0 3.1 Episode 8
  4. Episode 9


v eCharacters
Royalty Eros Orna VasiliosEmperor VasiliosKing Hennel
Nobility Medea SolonPsyche CallistaHelio NiccoloThesion SolonDekis SolonDuchess SolonCount CallistaCountess CallistaLady SeiraNanaCountess GottMarquess HorenDion
Clergy Pope of VasiliosPerion Sov VasiliosHerschel
Civilians LinBertieLiraEros's SpyPsyche’s NannyMedea's Butler