Your Throne Wiki

Perion Sov Vasilios[3] is a supporting character of Your Throne. He is a member of the Imperial Family of the Vasilios Empire and the cardinal of the Temple of Vasilios.


Perion is characterised as rather tall in stature with a well-developed physique in musculature. His upper body is marred with numerous scars.[4] He has a warm-toned visage with short dark red locks parted in the middle brushing over his sharp, red eyes and a black eye patch after losing his right eye in a bet with Medea Solon.[5]

He typically wears casual ensembles consisting of an open-collared black button-up shirt, taupe trousers, and black laced-up boots.

On formal occasions, he is donned in full regalia.


Perion has a rather temperamental disposition where he often acts on impulse and impetuously voices his thoughts with no regards to any repercussions. Perion strongly dislikes sophistry and disapproves of the inner workings at the Grand Temple.[6] Neglecting any form of etiquette, Perion tends to shirk his responsibilities as the cardinal [7] and openly challenge members of the clergy. His unyielding confidence and blunt demeanor make his presence difficult to tolerate at the Temple. Although he blatantly disrespects the clergy [6], Perion has been depicted to be kind and approachable towards those he is fond of. He is considerably popular amongst the townsfolk, affectionately dubbed "Pell" by friends who are unaware of his status.[7]


Perion displays stellar athleticism, allowing him to execute various stunts such as leaping over walls, jumping onto moving carriages [8] and discreetly slipping away from others with ease.[7] He is the only person on the continent who can read oracles without having received divine revelation. [6] He harbours exceptional strength as demonstrated when he effortlessly broke the carriage door Medea Solon was stowed away in and managed to put up a fight against Medea who is a formidable swordswoman herself.[9]


Main article: Perion Sov Vasilios timeline


  • The name "Perion" is a shortened variation of the name Hyperion and derived from the Greek word Ὑπερίων, meaning the "high one."[10]
  • The etymology of the name "Vasilios" derives from the Greek word Βασίλειος, meaning royal or kingly. Its name is directly descended from the word King.[11]


  • Perion’s middle name switched from ‘Sob’ to ‘Sov’ in the webtoon translations.[3][12]
  • In Greek mythology, Hyperion is the sun titan who overthrew his father Uranus alongside his siblings.[10] He presides over heavenly light[13] and is often distinguished from his son, Helios, the god and personification of the sun.[10]
  • Perion’s character design is primarily red, a colour at the end of the visible spectrum of light, making it the strongest colour in the physical aspect.[14]
    • The colour has a psychological association with power, energy, vitality, action, survival and passion, serving as a visual depiction of Perion's personality.[15]
  • Perion made a brief cameo in Episode 7 before being officially introduced in Episode 26.
  • A cardinal is the second highest authority in the Catholic Church, behind the Pope in order of precedence.[16]
  • In an interview with the series' author, when SAM was asked if Perion was the male lead, she replied that Perion is an important character to the story and there is something between Medea Solon and Perion that transcends gender and status. As Medea is restricted by rules, she envies Perion's free-spirited nature.[17][18]
  • SAM responded in an interview that if she was transported into the world of Your Throne, she would be scared of everyone and seek out Perion to hide.[19]

List of Appearances[]



v eCharacters
Royalty Eros Orna VasiliosEmperor VasiliosKing Hennel
Nobility Medea SolonPsyche CallistaHelio NiccoloThesion SolonDekis SolonDuchess SolonCount CallistaCountess CallistaLady SeiraNanaCountess GottMarquess HorenDion
Clergy Pope of VasiliosPerion Sov VasiliosHerschel
Civilians LinBertieLiraEros's SpyPsyche’s NannyMedea's Butler