Your Throne Wiki

Today was the joyous day of their engagement. It was as if they had completely forgotten that I was meant to be their crown princess.

Medea Solon, Episode 1

Ever since that girl appeared, everything has been a mess.

Medea Solon, Episode 1

She will soon also experience the agony of losing everything

Medea Solon, Episode 1

Give me the chance to rule instead of this foolish wench. Give me everything she has!

Medea Solon, Episode 2

Now, I am certain. We must have switched places...because God has heard my prayer. Is this the will of the empire's guardian deity?

Medea Solon, Episode 3

We hold each other tightly as if we're worried...but perhaps we're worried about different things.

Medea Solon, Episode 4

I wonder how you see me today...the usurper of the one you love? Or the fool who now has to bear your misfortune?

Medea Solon, Episode 7

I thought everything would turn out just as I wanted…but it feels as though I’m trapped in a labyrinth.

Medea Solon, Episode 8

Suddenly it crossed my mind that I may have been wrong that I became Psyche because the Guardian Deity had granted my wish...Perhaps, instead, we switched places for this very moment.

Medea Solon, Episode 9

Perhaps the real reason the Guardian Deity switched our bodies so that I could die here instead of Psyche. And yet...and yet! I have lived my entire life vowing to overturn whatever fate throws at me!

Medea Solon, Episode 10

Why did I come to hate Psyche? How did I come to loathe her so much?

Medea Solon, Episode 10

Books, I could read...and swords, I could swing...everything else came easily, but it was so difficult to be loved.

Medea Solon, Episode 11

At this rate, it would be my father’s name, not mine...that would be recorded in those pretentious history books.

Medea Solon, Episode 11

Like father, like daughter. I could understand my father. Who would want to share their glory with a mere tool?

Medea Solon, Episode 11

However, I knew somewhere deep in my heart...that this was the reason why I couldn’t ignore Psyche.

Medea Solon, Episode 12

The pawn earns its freedom when it gets past enemy lines. It can become a bishop...a knight...a rook...or even a queen. That you are a pawn means you can become anything you desire.

Medea Solon, Episode 12

Perhaps the heavy feeling I’d had in my heart was a sign of the strife that was about to come.

Medea Solon, Episode 12

The moment you had revoked our engagement...we had been at war. So I will make certain I come out the victor!

Medea Solon, Episode 13

I’ve bet my all, my past and my become a member of the imperial family.

Medea Solon, Episode 14

I fought fairly and how did things turn out like this?

Medea Solon, Episode 15

Why am I still a daughter of a mere duke?

Medea Solon, Episode 15

I can’t hear her heartbeat.

Medea Solon, Episode 15

I pitied her and took her under my wing. And now she has taken everything from me!

Medea Solon, Episode 15

This was supposed to be your grave...How does it feel to have escaped death thanks to being blessed by the Guardian Deity?

Medea Solon, Episode 16

Doesn’t it seem like I was destined to be sacrificed in your place from the beginning? Just one day in your body was more than enough!

Medea Solon, Episode 16

You wished you were as strong as I am. But it is I who could never be like, even if I was born a thousand times over!

Medea Solon, Episode 17

I don’t believe in a god who does nothing but watch from afar. I believe in that stupid girl.

Medea Solon, Episode 17

Although our lives have been a tragedy thus far...we can turn it around beginning now!

Medea Solon, Episode 17

Eros. I know how badly you wanted to kill Psyche. I want to know...what expression you will make when you see that your fiancée who you sought to kill has come back in one piece!

Medea Solon, Episode 18

Since the night of the banquet...we each came to shoulder a new burden and planned our next moves for battle.

Medea Solon, Episode 20

Wouldn't it be better if I took revenge in my own body?

Medea Solon, Episode 22

What am I running from? Why does she keep telling me to run? Where am I supposed to go?

Medea Solon, Episode 23

I can't let him die this easily. Eros hasn't even experienced half the pain I have.

Medea Solon, Episode 24

My parents must have been disappointed in me because I wasn't good enough in their eyes. I believed that if I became the smartest person in the empire, they would begin to care about me. After having lived like that for years... My life lost meaning.

Medea Solon, Episode 28

I might be the real problem. Will I be able to overcome my past and face my father? I don't have to overcome it. It may be best if we use each other's bodies to get our revenge. But somehow it seems like I'm running away.

Medea Solon, Episode 36

Peace...that's nice to hear...but too bitter to swallow. I can't be at peace because it doesn't exist. If it just means you're living while ignoring what's going on around you.

Medea Solon, Episode 39

Although this memory of being locked up in the basement with my mother when I was young isn't mine...why do I feel so scared? Does Psyche's body remember how traumatized she was?

Medea Solon, Episode 40

In the notes was a method so simple and obvious that I'd forgotten about it and would have forgotten completely unless someone had told me about it...Lady Medea will become the heir to the House of Solon.

Medea Solon, Episode 41

Out of the three people I trusted, one had betrayed me, one had died...and one had killed the one who died.

Medea Solon, Episode 42

I had felt guilty all this time because I knew I couldn't fulfill her dying wish. I already felt remorseful because I wasn't able to protect her. Even more so because I couldn't carry out her last wish because I wanted revenge.

Medea Solon, Episode 42

Let's stop having nightmares because of our guilt.

Medea Solon, Episode 42

Father...when did your hands become so wrinkled? I had no idea because you never held my hand. You've become too old to sit in such a splendid chair.

Medea Solon, Episode 43

You must not realize what face you make when you look at me...and what your voice sounds like when you talk to me.

Medea Solon, Episode 44

I prefer things as they are even if we've lost what's dear to us and suffered. Because I now know the source of my pain.

Medea Solon, Episode 44

His ulterior motive is to become a god. He'll pretend to look after his citizens with his divine power...but he would squish them like ants the moment they got on his nerves.

Medea Solon, Episode 44

You said a Solon does not rely on anyone. And that the closer I am to someone, the more wary I should be. I thought it would be better to turn her away at the door than have her see you while you are weak, so that you can save face.

Medea Solon, Episode 46

This is a huge gamble. A high stakes gamble where the prize is me.

Medea Solon, Episode 46

If my father had heard you...he would've been angry enough to have you beheaded. That is why I struck you instead.

Medea Solon, Episode 48

You seem to be gravely mistaken. When I said you should stay quietly at was not a request. It was a threat.

Medea Solon, Episode 48

Join me, Your Eminence. I'll help you prevent that concerning oracle from being misinterpreted by the people. I envy your social skills...and the support you have from the people.

Medea Solon, Episode 50

Do you see me as just the child of a failing dukedom?

Medea Solon, Episode 50

I will drag my father down and I will attend the ordination as the junior duke. Not as Lady Medea, the duke’s daughter, but as Junior Duke Solon.

Medea Solon, Episode 56

I cannot stomach when I see those who know nothing speak as if they know everything.

Medea Solon, Episode 56

Mercy is something only people like you can show. I'm too petty. I've grown tired of those who abandon me at the first sign of adversity.

Medea Solon, Episode 64

Just endure it. Continue forwards as you have been. You've assembled it well. However, one misstep and we'll all fall off a steep cliff. I feel responsible for everyone. All of them. They're my responsibility.

Medea Solon, Episode 65

Am I holding onto one last sliver of hope? Or is it to comfort myself when this is over and done with by telling myself that he was always this sort of person?

Medea Solon, Episode 66

It feels as if my face will fall off. This sharp pain. The taste of blood spilling onto my tongue. Just because you've prepared yourself to be struck doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Medea Solon, Episode 67

Father. It hurts. It hurts...if even you throw me whom can I turn? The fact that my father whom I've devoted myself to all my life, doesn't trust me hurts so much more than the blow.

Medea Solon, Episode 67

If you abandon a loyal dog to starve, it will swallow up its master.

Medea Solon, Episode 68

If I am a demon, then what does that make the one who raised me. Had I known someone like you would be my father, I never would've been born.

Medea Solon, Episode 69

Is luck on our side because we decided to go forward? Or is it compensation for past tribulation? Is it unusual for Psyche and I to use our lives as a means to an end?

Medea Solon, Episode 73

When you’re hungry, if you see delicious food, you want to eat it. If you see an expensive jewel through a store window, you want to steal it. And if there is someone you despise, you want to crush their tiny skull and kill them. Have you never felt that way at least once in your life? That is human nature.

Medea Solon, Episode 76

Father. I’ve won. This is the last time you’ll see me. Do you have anything to say? “Farewell.” “Sorry.” Or at least that you’re bitter. That you raised your child wrong. You won’t even make eye contact with me, as I watch you silently walk to your death. The two of us truly are Solons to the core.

Episode 77, Medea Solon

She has many enemies. But she’s stronger than all of her enemies combined.

Psyche Callista, Episode 3

Medea...she is wicked like no other...cunning...and manipulative. I cannot help but be cautious.

Eros Orna Vasilios, Episode 6

Unlike me, Lady Medea is amazing. No one ever doubts her. Even his Highness...

Psyche Callista, Episode 9

She is not so weak as to let such a thing bring her down.

Helio Niccolo, Episode 9

How could anyone not be envious of her? Someone as strong as she is...

Psyche Callista, Episode 10

If it is Lady Medea who looks after our empire...wouldn’t our empire become stronger and more beautiful?

—Unnamed noblewoman, Episode 12

People call us the queen and her pawn.

Psyche Callista, Episode 12

Seeing how well they get along while competing against each other makes me want to root for the both of them.

—Vasilios citizens, Episode 13

Lady Psyche looked as if she really cared for the public...unlike Lady Medea whose policies seemed to cater to the nobles.

—Eros' spy, Episode 14

Her anguished wailing was like that of an animal...rather than a human being.

Helio Niccolo, Episode 15

Do you know what the servants are saying about you? They’re saying how nice it would have been if you could have received even half the love His Highness gave that woman!

Thesion Solon, Episode 23

She just laughed without saying a word back then. But her heart must have broken into a thousand pieces.

Psyche Callista, Episode 24

They've been boasting that Lady Medea is going to be their queen when it's more like their king's going after His Highness' leftovers.

—Unnamed villager, Episode 27

Although I'm not the one this happened to, words are spilling out of my mouth as if I'm the one who'd been wronged. Perhaps it's not me who's speaking...but Lady Medea's own anger and frustration bursting forth with every fiber of her being after being bottled up for years.

Psyche Callista, Episode 29

If the Solon name is tarnished, it would affect Medea as much as it affects me. So as long as we are bonded by blood, she will never be of any threat to me.

Duke Solon, Episode 29

How could I have forgotten about that day? Running away never suited Lady Medea.

Nana, Episode 39

People have been saying you're more soft-hearted and kinder than usual. They think you've gone soft because you've been through a lot. But I didn't believe a word of it. Everyone was happy that you seemed more approachable...but though I feared you, I also greatly respected your strength. But I was a fool. You have become as kind and gentle as you are strong.

—Servant of House of Solon, Episode 43

I can’t underestimate Medea. There’s a reason why I chose her to be my empress. The empress must support me in my efforts to restore the empire when it falters. Medea would not succumb to tribulations. Rather, she’d convert them into opportunities.

Eros Orna Vasilios, Episode 49
