Lin is a supporting character of Your Throne and a maid in the House of Callista.
Lin has warm, ashy-brown hair tied back into a low bun. She has brown eyes and freckles splashed across her pale skin. As a maid in House of Callista, she is often seen wearing a nondescript, black maid dress, white apron, and sensible shoes.
Lin is skilled in the art of deception, going undercover on Medea's orders to serve the House of Callista. She has a high sense of self-preservation, willing to switch alliances at a moment's notice. She is motivated by monetary means and can manipulate others to get what she wants.
Medea Solon[]
Lin willingly went undercover to the House of Callista to spy on Psyche.[1] She did not interfere when Medea and Helio killed Psyche's favorite knight and servant.[2] After the day of the Yearly Prayer, Lin confessed her sins to Medea, who she believed was Psyche, in order to remain in the good graces of the Callistas.[1]
Psyche Callista[]
Under Medea's orders, Lin spied on Psyche under the guise of paying off her ailing brother's medical bills.[1] Medea, in the body of Psyche, fabricated a plan to expose the maid’s true colours as a kleptomaniac.[3] In danger of being framed as a liar and a murderer, Lin begged Medea to continue working for her. She served as Medea’s substitute while she is away on her nightly outings.[4]
- The English translation of Your Throne switches between spelling the character's name as "Lin" and "Lyn."
List of Appearances[]