Your Throne Wiki

Lily Callista is a supporting character in Your Throne. After the death of her identical twin sister, Eve Callista, she assumed her identity and became the Countess of House Callista, the wife of Mone Callista and the mother of her niece, Psyche Callista.


Countess Callista has wavy gray ash-brown hair that extends past her waist with bangs hanging on the right side, bright green eyes set in a slim, pale face and she is average in height.

She is often seen wearing neutral, solid-colored dresses of fine fabrics.



Countess Callista was born as a nameless commoner in the slums along with her younger twin sister, who would later be known as Eve Callista. The Temple of Vasilios took the twins in due to their gray hair and promised to take care of them on the if they performed well on a certain test.[1] The test was a part of the Pope's experiment to find people who could switch bodies. The future Countess and her sister were the only successful attempts, so the Pope graciously accepted them and told the twins that they were blessed by God.[2]

However, the twins' body swapping was not perfect, as it would leave Eve unconscious for days. The Pope decided to breed the perfect child by setting up one of the twins with his knight Mone Callista as the Callista lineage possessed divinity in the past. When the sisters met Mone, they had switched bodies [note 1] and both fell in love with Mone at first sight with Eve wearing a smile while her sister frowned. Mone chose Eve to be his wife because of her smile, leaving Eve's sister heartbroken.[1]

While Eve's sister stayed at the Temple, Eve and Mone had a daughter named Psyche Callista who discovered that she was blessed by the Guardian Deity with divinity (an extraordinary healing ability) after she was born, something the Pope had intentionally planned. Although the Pope intended for Callistas to fake their infant's death and give her to the Temple, Mone wanted to raise the child. Per the Pope's conditions, Mone confined Psyche to the basement beneath the manor of their estate, forbidding her from entering the outside world.

As Mone left the Temple after he made his agreement with the Pope, Eve's sister escorted him out and she confesses that she is in love with Mone as well, asking if there was anything else other than Eve's smile that made him choose Eve over her. Mone doesn't answer, saying that he doesn't have time for such a conversation.[3]

After a conversation with his wife, Mone resolves to learn about the environment Eve was raised in and he visits Eve's sister at the Temple for answers. Seeing the extent to which Mone cares for Eve, Eve's sister laughs bitterly and asks him to give her a name like how he named Eve. Mone decides that it is futile to try conversing with her, so he leaves telling Eve's sister that she is merely a hostage of the Temple so that Eve doesn't run away. Eve's sister replies that he can't leave either before Mone looks for answers on his own and discovers that the twins can switch bodies.[4]

When Psyche exited the basement for the first time at age ten, Eve died under currently unknown circumstances. Since then, Eve's twin sister assumed her identity, acting as Countess of House Callista and continuing to let Psyche stay confined in the basement.

After allowing her to live a somewhat ordinary life as a noble, Countess Callista continued to keep close watch over Psyche's whereabouts.[5]


Medea Solon[]

Countess Callista is unaware that Medea is inhabited her daughter Psyche Callista's body. After the body-switch on the day of the Yearly Prayer, Countess Callista forbade Medea from leaving the estate.[5]


Mone Callista[]

Mone is Countess Callista's husband who fell in love with him before she was left heartbroken when he chose her younger twin sister Eve Callista.

Eve Callista[]

Eve is Countess Callista's younger twin sister who assumed her role as the next Countess of House Callista after her death.

Psyche Callista[]

Psyche is Countess Callista's niece who became a mother figure to her after the death of Eve Callista and kept her hidden in the basement.

Even after Psyche was allowed to venture out of the manor, Countess Callista kept a strict watch over her whereabouts.


  • Countess Callista seems to be skilled in drawing from what can be seem when she drew her daughter Psyche Callista in a mini comic.

List of Appearances[]

  • Episode 2 (brief)
  • Episode 26 (brief)
  • Episode 40
  • Episode 44 (flashback)
  • Episode 59 (mentioned)
  • Episode 194
  • Episode 195
  • Episode 196 (flashback)
  • Episode 197 (flashback)
  • Episode 198 (flashback)
  • Episode 199 (flashback)
  • Episode 200 (flashback)
  • Episode 201 (flashback)
  • Episode 214 (flashback)
  • Episode 215 (flashback)
  • Episode 218 (flashback)



  1. 1.0 1.1 Episode 198
  2. Episode 201
  3. Episode 199
  4. Episode 200
  5. 5.0 5.1 Episode 3


  1. In Episode 200, Eve almost refers to her sister as "my big sister", before correcting herself and saying "little sister." In the Korean version of Episode 201, Eve states that the body she currently inhabits belonged to her older sister. This suggests that Eve is the younger sister and had been inhabiting her older sister's body during her marriage with Mone.


v eCharacters
Royalty Eros Orna VasiliosEmperor VasiliosKing Hennel
Nobility Medea SolonPsyche CallistaHelio NiccoloThesion SolonDekis SolonDuchess SolonCount CallistaCountess CallistaLady SeiraNanaCountess GottMarquess HorenDion
Clergy Pope of VasiliosPerion Sov VasiliosHerschel
Civilians LinBertieLiraEros's SpyPsyche’s NannyMedea's Butler