Your Throne Wiki


The Hennel Kingdom is a neighboring nation in alliance with the Vasilios Empire.


For the last decade, the previous monarch of Hennel Kingdom sought to overpower the growing Empire of Vasilios. He forged an alliance with neighboring kingdoms and launched an invasion into the empire. The war lasted for many years. Emperor Vasilios received counseling from esteemed political advisors and executed brilliant battle strategies that successfully defended the empire's borders. The Hennel Kingdom suffered a terrible defeat and its citizens, tired of their monarch's bellicose ruling, revolted. The revolution was spearheaded by the third prince, who beheaded his father,[1] murdered his family,[2] and usurped the throne. Unlike the previous monarch, the current king declared himself as pro-imperialism. He revised the kingdom's policies and established an alliance with the Vasilios Empire.[1]

Royal Family[]

The current head of the royal family is King Hennel, who has recently ascended to power[3] after overthrowing his father during a revolution and usurping the throne.[1] Despite sparing the life of the fourteenth prince, King Hennel fears his sibling will eventually oust him from the throne.[2]





v eCharacters
Royalty Eros Orna VasiliosEmperor VasiliosKing Hennel
Nobility Medea SolonPsyche CallistaHelio NiccoloThesion SolonDekis SolonDuchess SolonCount CallistaCountess CallistaLady SeiraNanaCountess GottMarquess HorenDion
Clergy Pope of VasiliosPerion Sov VasiliosHerschel
Civilians LinBertieLiraEros's SpyPsyche’s NannyMedea's Butler