Your Throne Wiki

Friends and Acquaintances[]

Psyche Callista[]

Psyche and Eros 02

Psyche is Eros' fiancée. Although he publicly showers her with love and affection, Eros despises her and views her as a naive and uneducated socialite.[1] At some point in time, Eros learned of Psyche's divinity and plotted to steal it from her. Rather settling for a life as a royal, he believed that obtaining her power would grant him the status of a higher being.[2] Three years prior to the current timeline, Eros arranged to have Psyche freed from the basement where Countess Callista locked her up. After gifting her with expensive and exquisite furnishings to decorate her new chambers, Eros secretly met with her and claimed responsibility for saving her. He realized how naive and simple-minded Psyche was and assumed the role of a "god" who freed her from the hellish prison she was once trapped in. Slowly, he manipulated Psyche into falling in love with him by showing her affection and love. He slowly brainwashed her into believing that he was the only person in the world she could depend on. When Psyche debuted in high society, Eros warned her against befriending Medea Solon, whom he viewed as a threat. Despite his warnings, Psyche insisted that Medea was a trustworthy friend and continued to frequently spend time with Medea. They continued meeting in secret at an agreed location at night, although Eros withheld revealing his identity as the Crown Prince.[3]

Psyche and Eros 05

Eventually, Eros persuaded Emperor Vasilios to set up a contest to select the future Crown Princess. When Psyche became devastated that she was summoned to participate as a candidate, Eros reassured her that he would support her in the contest.[4] Knowing that her lack of proper education and experience in high society could not compete against the reputable Medea Solon, he planted spies among the public to influence their opinion and gain sympathy for Psyche.[3] He then created a policy for her to present during the final round of the competition that would support the lowest socioeconomic class of the empire, knowing that it would garner sympathy and favor from the public.[3] On the day of the final round, Eros presided over the competition along with the imperial family as the Crown Prince, revealing his royal status for the first time to Psyche. She confronted him later that night, horrified that he had deceived her. Unfazed by her erratic complaints, Eros coolly stated that most people would be delighted to discover that their lover was of royalty. He reminded her of the horrifying basement underneath the Count's Manor, emphasizing that she could not live without him.[4] Against all odds, Psyche was then declared the future Crown Princess. Eros kissed her passionately and professed passionate love for her as a man, defying his father's wishes and gaining the public's approval.[5]

After the royal engagement was formally announced, the couple vacationed at a nearby resort to celebrate their future union. As they passed by a local vendor selling cheap trinkets as souvenirs, Psyche suggested to send a cobalt ring to Medea as a consolation gift. The symbolic gesture of sending a ring whose gem resembled the royal jewels of the Crown Princess did not go unnoticed; however, Eros refrained from warning Psyche how insulting it would be for Medea to receive such a gift after losing the Crown Princess competition. He encouraged Psyche to send it, anticipating Medea's reaction with malevolent delight.[6]

Episode 3 panel 2

Eros threatens "Medea"

Although Psyche and Medea have starkly contrasting personalities, Eros is unaware that the two women have switched bodies. Due to Medea's uncanny ability to impersonate Psyche and his indifference towards his fiancée, whom he only feigns love for, the switch remains unnoticed. When Psyche approached him in Medea's body, Eros threatened to kill her the next time they crossed paths, unaware that he was speaking to his supposed lover.[1] Several weeks later, he slipped away during his birthday banquet to meet with his secret order of knights. He instructed five of his best knights to lead Medea, whom he believed to be Psyche, into the imperial gardens and kill her.[7]

Psyche 05

He explained the significance of Psyche's divinity, mentioning that the necklace he gifted to "Psyche" was actually a sacred relic. He ordered them to torture Medea until she could no longer use her divinity to heal herself. Once she was at the brink of death, a beam of light would emit from her heart and be absorbed into the relic.[8] After discovering that his plan failed and "Psyche" survived the incident, Eros publicly declared that a high-ranking noble impersonated him and plotted to assassinate the future Crown Princess. Eros then ordered the bodies of his secret knights to be hung in front of the palace walls as a public demonstration of the consequences of defying the imperial family. After Medea falsely informed him that an anonymous savior rescued her the night of the banquet, Eros conducted an investigation, intent on killing the man for denying Eros of his long-awaited victory.[9]

In Episode 146, he announced that his engagement with Psyche has been annulled.

Medea Solon[]

Eros 03

Eros falsely accuses House Solon of poisoning his father

Medea and Eros feel extreme animosity towards each other despite having no direct conflict. Eros and Medea were previously engaged when Emperor Vasilios suggested that Medea was an appropriate candidate to assume the seat of Crown Princess.[10] However, Eros had his sights set on Psyche Callista and persuaded his father to call off the engagement.[11] Intent on having Psyche by his side, Eros hired spies and manipulated the public to turn against Medea despite her continuous wins. After Medea lost the Crown Princess contest [5], Eros framed Duchess Meti Solon and the House of Solon for committing an assassination attempt on the Imperial Family.[3]

He takes every opportunity to paint Medea as a vengeful and psychotic villain in the public's eyes, including Psyche. He once mentioned that Medea was a formidable enemy, so sharp that she could thoroughly analyze a situation from a single glance or sentence.[12]

Episode 6 panel 5

Since the body-switch, Eros and Medea are now bound in a loveless engagement. Oblivious to the fact that Medea is now inhabiting Psyche's body, Eros showers her with flowery compliments and vows of passion. Although he takes extreme measures of caution when facing Medea, Eros lets his guard down around her when he believes she is actually "Psyche."[1] When Medea fed him the lie that she and "Lady Medea" were to make amends, Eros locked Medea in the basement of the Count's Manor as a precaution.[13]

Eros 04

Eros shocked at "Psyche's" survival

At his birthday banquet, Eros ordered his private army of elite knights to lure Medea, whom he believed was Psyche, into the gardens and kill her.[14] When Medea miraculously returned with only minor injuries, Eros was horrified to see that she was still alive [8] before he pulled himself together to feign concern for his fiancée and steered the conversation to throw off any suspicions that he was the culprit. Instead, he fabricated a lie, claiming a high-ranking noble spied and impersonated him to target the Princess Consort. For show, he quickly ended the banquet and had all the esteemed guests interrogated for information. He and Medea returned to the scene of the crime where he discovered the corpses of his secret knights. Realizing that he failed in achieving his long-awaited dream of stealing Psyche's divinity, Eros became infuriated and mutilated one of the knights' bodies.[2] He then ordered the bodies to be hung in front of the palace walls as a public demonstration of what consequences await those who dare to harm the imperial family. He reassured Medea that those who wished to harm her were no longer of this world. After taking Medea back to the Count's Manor, Eros feigned regret for not being by her side when she was in danger. He then proceeded to ask her about the person who allegedly saved her the night of the banquet, claiming that he wished to reward the man for accomplishing such a feat. Knowing that he was intent on killing her imaginary savior, Medea described a tall, hooded man with red hair who appeared out of nowhere to rescue her. Medea, as Psyche, then requested to learn swordsmanship. Eros immediately conducted a thorough investigation in the capital for the nonexistent man. When his knights failed to locate the savior, Eros decided the situation required him to personally make a move and lay a trap.[9]

Meti Solon[]

After the Crown Princess contest, Meti visited the imperial palace to give a gift to Emperor Vasilios and Eros promised her that he would pass along the gift and her sentiments of maintaining political ties with the House of Solon, despite Medea Solon losing the seat of Crown Princess. Before he handed the gift to Emperor Vasilios, Eros steeped the jeweled necklace in poison and he then framed Meti for attempting to assassinate a member of the imperial family.[3] After spending time in prison for committing treason, Meti was released and remained bedridden with a failing health.[6]

King Hennel[]

Eros invited King Hennel to his birthday banquet in the imperial palace of the Vasilios Empire. As a highly-esteemed guest and foreign monarch, Hennel offered his congratulations to Eros.[15]


Emperor Vasilios[]

Eros and King Vasilios

Eros poisons his own father

Emperor Vasilios is Eros' father and the current monarch of the Vasilios Empire. Eros is very adept at manipulating his own father. Although Emperor Vasilios cares for his son, he severely underestimates Eros' deceitful nature and is incapable of thwarting his schemes. Since birth, Eros has obediently complied with Emperor Vasilios' wishes. Eros deceptively convinced the emperor to cancel the arranged engagement to Medea Solon and instead create a contest to select the future Crown Princess.[4] Although Emperor Vasilios favored Medea, Eros manipulated the public and managed to convince his father to accept Psyche Callista as his future daughter-in-law. Eros then poisoned the emperor with a necklace gifted by Duchess Meti Solon, framing the House of Solon for committing treason and attempting to assassinate a member of the imperial family.[3]


When Duchess Meti Solon visited the imperial palace to gift jewels after Medea Solon lost the Crown Princess competition, Eros mentioned that the emperor was preoccupied in a discussion with Eros' mother.[3]



v eCharacters
Royalty Eros Orna VasiliosEmperor VasiliosKing Hennel
Nobility Medea SolonPsyche CallistaHelio NiccoloThesion SolonDekis SolonDuchess SolonCount CallistaCountess CallistaLady SeiraNanaCountess GottMarquess HorenDion
Clergy Pope of VasiliosPerion Sov VasiliosHerschel
Civilians LinBertieLiraEros's SpyPsyche’s NannyMedea's Butler