Your Throne Wiki

Out of all his gifts, I've only accepted the sword. What kind of message will that send to Eros?

Psyche Callista

"Let's Break Up (1)" is the forty-first released episode of Your Throne by SAM.


Eros regrets locking Psyche in the basement and attempts to make amends by sending her various, priceless treasures. After rejecting every single gift, Psyche chooses to keep an ornate sword. Meanwhile at the House of Solon, Medea receives a letter from the imperial palace during swordsmanship practice. She later discovers a note that Psyche left in a book and realizes that rather than pursuing the seat of crown princess, Medea can succeed her father as head of the Solon dukedom.


Characters are listed in order of appearance. Character first appearances are bolded.


  • Psyche tells Eros that love cannot grow in a relationship full of doubt. This is a direct reference to the Greek mythological Eros, who told his beloved Psyche that "love cannot dwell with suspicion."[1]
    • Envious of her lavish life, Psyche's sisters attempted to undermine her relationship with Eros by suggesting that he hid his true appearance of a vile winged serpent. When Psyche attempted to slay the alleged monster, Eros chastised her for betraying his trust and abandoned her.[2]
  • Eros gifts Psyche the "Tear of Eos," an ornate necklace with a vibrant pink gem embedded in its pendant. This is an allusion to the Greek mythological figure, Eos, the goddess of the dawn. The necklace's pink hue alludes to the goddess's rosy pink arms as she opens the gates of heaven, allowing the sun to rise.[3]




v eEpisodes
Season 1 010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126
Season 2

